Basement Revolver – Embody CD

Basement Revolver – Embody CD

  • $7.05
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After a year of personal and global upheaval, rising indie stars Basement Revolver return with an album of bold new sounds.

With tour plans on hold through 2020, the four-piece found time to wrestle with questions about identity, faith, mental illness, and sexuality. Their sophomore LP, Embody, is explicit about these new ideas and new thoughts, addressing them with a deeper sound and crisper production to adroitly express the complexity of the world. It is an album of friendship, of working out identity together, and making deeply personal art. 

Coming out in the middle of pandemic means that embodiment has to take new forms, and this album is one of those ways forward. This record, with its complex sonic landscape, sometimes lush and sometimes stark, is of a piece with their earlier work, but it’s deeper and more self-aware.

Embody is the sound of freedom, especially in the midst of such pain, both locally and globally. Trading tracks virtually, missing the camaraderie of weekly rehearsals, and the isolation of that means that the album is full of hopeful waiting: to tour, of course, but also to engage these new understandings together, on the road.

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