André Ethier - With Christopher Sandes feat. Pickles & Price CD
The 2004 debut solo release from André Ethier. Formerly the frontman for garage rock heroes, The Deadly Snakes, this solo album sees Ethier stepping away from the seething charisma of The Rolling Stones and finding a home in the barroom comradery of the Band and Bob Dylan.
"...I will go as far to say that I think it could very well be Ethier's most realized and heartfelt work to date. By stripping down the usual layers of distortion around him, he sounds liberated in the new possibilities of his writing, leaving us, in the end, with a handful of great songs and reaffirmation that he is one of our country's finest contemporary songwriters. " - Cokemachineglow
"Ethier's dark imagery plays out like a movie, where heroes and villains are probably one and the same. "She Will Never Be Your Girl" is disturbing, heartbreaking and perfect. "Honey Drips, Butter Runs" slinks its way into your musical psyche, while "Sweep Up After Me" swaggers and swerves. Alternately warming and chilling, this is an album to enjoy now and still cherish 20 years down the line."- Chart
"...I will go as far to say that I think it could very well be Ethier's most realized and heartfelt work to date. By stripping down the usual layers of distortion around him, he sounds liberated in the new possibilities of his writing, leaving us, in the end, with a handful of great songs and reaffirmation that he is one of our country's finest contemporary songwriters. " - Cokemachineglow
"Ethier's dark imagery plays out like a movie, where heroes and villains are probably one and the same. "She Will Never Be Your Girl" is disturbing, heartbreaking and perfect. "Honey Drips, Butter Runs" slinks its way into your musical psyche, while "Sweep Up After Me" swaggers and swerves. Alternately warming and chilling, this is an album to enjoy now and still cherish 20 years down the line."- Chart